A special year end for us, as we near our third anniversary.
Almost 3 years in and it feels like we are at the beginning of a very special chapter for Wilbe: unleashing the full stack ecosystem for all Scientist entrepreneurs.
We are 200 Fellows strong now, all postdocs and PIs, who have set their minds and ambitions to address some of the hardest problems we face this century at the cross-section of academia and venture: fusion, substitutes to rare Earth metals, sustainable alternatives to silicon based computing, safe gene therapy, restoring fertility to sustainable crop protection.
Nothing sums up our work to date better than Recommendation 7 of the UK Government’s Spinout Review Report on what makes a strong science ecosystem (👀👇😍)
Onwards to a cracking 2024!
We are hiring for product, community and venture building roles, if you are interested in serving the next generation of entrepreneurs: scientists. DM!